RTT gets to the root cause of your issue in one session.

Uses transformational methods to treat the issue.

Reprograms your thoughts to install new positive beliefs


How does it work?

I put you into a very relaxed state (hypnosis) – so your conscious mind is turned down and we can then access your subconscious mind. From there we can easily get to the root cause of the problem, because you haven’t got the critical chatter from your conscious mind distracting you. We go back to look at scenes from your past that have created this negative belief. From there we can introduce new and positive suggestions which are easily absorbed into your subconscious, by replacing the old negative thoughts

Our mind is run by our subconscious thoughts (in fact 95% of your actions and thoughts are run by the subconscious). They are created by past experiences that in turn create habits and beliefs that affect you today.

RTT uncovers the meaning and interprets the negative beliefs that you got from your past. We go back to look at scenes from your past that created this negative belief. Once we get a clear understanding about why you have gained these beliefs it is then easy to change, this is done by a variety of ways to interrupt the old beliefs and by reprogramming your mind with a transformational audio, which you then play for 21 days. Your mind learns by repetition.

Frequently asked questions

  • Will I lose control in hypnosis?

    No. You are in complete control throughout the whole session. It is a similar state to watching a good movie, or automatically making a cup of tea! You will be able to communicate and talk. You can come out of hypnosis instantly and you cannot be made to do something you do not want to do.

  • What does it feel like?

    You will be in a very relaxed state. Some people will go more deeper than others, some will just feel sleepy. Some won’t go very deep at all – but it doesn’t mean that it is not working. We are just slowing down the ‘conscious chatter’ and accessing the subconscious voice. Don’t over analyse or worry you are not going deep enough – it will still work

  • How does it work?

    It's science – The brain is made up of millions of neurons that use electrical signals to transmit information. Beta waves occur during a conscious, waking state; a fast activity that signals attentiveness and alertness. Alpha and Theta waves occur when you are engaged in activities such as daydreaming, meditating, or hypnosis, it’s a state where you are not paying attention to unwanted distractions.

  • What if I go back to very traumatic scenes?

    Please be aware that you are in a completely safe space. You will be reviewing the scenes and not re-living them – it’s like watching a movie on a TV screen – it cannot hurt you

  • Will I see results straight away?

    Some clients will see results instantly, some it will take a bit more time – that is why we do a recording that you have to play for 21 days. Your mind CAN be reprogrammed, however it can take up to 21 days for habits to change so that is why we recommend you listen to the recording for at least 21 days.

    There are 3 types of change from Rapid Transformational Therapy - every person is different:

    Immediate: You feel a massive shift right away - immediate changes in your physiology, thoughts and behaviours right in the session.

    Incremental: You see consistent shifts every day, or over time.

    Retroactive: You don’t see the shifts right away and then one day you suddenly look back and see all of the things that are different in your life.

  • Will I need more than one session?

    Generally, most conditions can be fixed in one session – some conditions such as severe trauma or severe eating problems will need more. I follow up with a check up session to see how the recording is working and how you are doing. We will discuss then if you feel you need further sessions.